Dr. Richard C. Delerins

Dr. Richard C. Delerins

Dr. Richard C. Delerins

Richard C. Delerins, Ph.D. is Co-Director of the Food 2.0 LAB Paris, associate research scholar at CNRS ; UCLA Distinguished International Scholar. He teaches and lives in Los Angeles and Paris. His work focuses on eating habits and food behaviors through the lens of data science, genomics and social sciences.

Dr. Delerins research deals with the concepts of ‘nutritive strategies’ and ‘cognitive consumption’ – mostly in Europe, North America and Asia (China, South Korea, Japan). Richard C. Delerins explores the challenges of 21st century cuisines, preserving the environment and culinary traditions that relate to both identity and migratory patterns and the simultaneously nutrigenomic challenge of feeding our taste buds in consonance with our genes and microbiomes. His current field work in France, California and Asia, deals with the « Millennials »: How they reshape our modes of consumption (food preferences, product design, etc.) and promote a new « culture of the self ». Dr. Richard C. Delerins was awarded the NIVEA CNRS Prize in Social Sciences (Nutrition) for his work ; he has taught and lectured at UCLA, UC Davis, Harvard, EHESS, Sorbonne University.